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Version: Uno

The simplest version of these data logger platforms is built off of the Arduino Uno microcontroller, paired with an Adafruit data logger shield. This is the best choice if you want something easy to build and with lots of documentation. Great for a first starting point. 



Data Logger Shield

Voltage Regulator


This version is the best if you are looking for a simple and quick build. By using an existing data logger shield, you don't have to be as concerned / aware of how to wire everything correctly. Instead you simply merge the data logger with the Uno, upload the code, and you should be good to go. The only additional pieces you'll need to add are whatever sensors you'd like, and a power source. The main negative to the Uno is its size. The Uno is the largest micro controller used here (see specs below) and therefore can limit how small your overall sensor system can be. 



1. Arduino Uno (or one of its many clones you can find online for cheaper)

2. Adafruit data logger shield (or other data logger shield if you find one you like better)

3. FAT16 / 32 formatted SD card, and a CR1220 3v coin battery (both for data logger shield)

4. DC-DC converter / Voltage Regulator (optional if you want to control the voltage coming to the board)


After this you will need whatever sensors you wish to use, along with some wire to connect a power source (battery, wall, solar, etc). â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹



Assembly for Version Uno is extremely simple. Just solder on the headers for the data logger shield (the little metal pins), and then simply set the shield into the Uno. Adafruit has some good documentation about this process if you need additional information. Once the shield is set into the logger, add the SD card and coin battery to their respective places, and you are set. From here you will need to wire in any sensors / other components you wish to use.  

















Adding Sensors and Uploading Code:
To add sensors: simply follow the wiring diagrams / design provided by the manufacturer. Refer to the Sensors page of this site for further guidance in selecting sensors, and wiring them in to your DIY system. You will also need to add power too. However you choose to do this is up to you, but ultimately you will need to wire a positive lead to the VCC / VIN pin of the Arduino, and then a ground lead to a ground pin on the Arduino. 
For code: you can find some simple code for this system at the linked GitHub page. Under the "Version Uno" folder you will find a "Blank" code that is a generic logger code that works with this setup. Make sure to add in the additional code needed to power and record your sensors, and modify the timing interval. If that seems unclear, you can find some example code of sensor systems built in the past in that same folder. Feel free to use these as guidance. If you are totally new to Arduino, I recommend reading / watching some of the many amazing online tutorials for getting started with connecting your Arduino and uploading code. Minimally, you'll need to download the Arduino IDE (code interface) and probably read through the "Getting Started" documentation. 
Arduino Uno Data Logger Specs:
Internal Operating Voltage:  5 V
Digital output pins power: 5 V and up to 40 mA
Base Operating power consumption (without anything running): 42 mA
Power consumption when sleeping w/o any sensors (average in tests): ~9 mA
Dimensions (with Logger shield attached and no sensors): 7.5 cm L (to front of usb) x 5.4 cm W x  2.2 cm T
​A Note on Power:​
For all the systems in this website, you will need to supply them with some sort of power. All the Arduino boards used here are 5v boards, which means that at a minimum they need a 5 v power source supplied. For optimal power efficiently (lowest current draw) I recommend suppling around  5-6v directly to the Arduino boards via their VCC / Vin pins. By doing this, you limit the need for the Arduino to lower the voltage coming in, which is a more efficient way to power the board. 
If you wish to deploy these without any connection to land, I recommend using some rechargeable batteries that are 6 - 12 v. Run those batteries through the DC-DC converter / external voltage regulator and set the incoming voltage to the Arduino to 5 - 6v. DigiKey is a great resource for finding various battery types. If you are running off of solar or some sort of 'land' power, then I still recommend going through a converter to regulate the voltage, but you won't have to be as concerned with power efficiency. One note though: many of the more inexpensive DC-DC converters will end up consuming more power by itself then the rest of the logger uses while in sleep mode. If you really need to stretch your system life, I recommend looking for efficient power converters, or feeding the power source directly to the Arduino. Just be aware that directly feeding a higher voltage source (6v or more) to the Arduino will cause the Arduino to generate heat. This may cause the system to overheat, especially if using sensors that pull a lot of power. 
If you want to learn more about conserving power with regards to Arduinos, there is a really good blog post that runs through all the different coding and physical things that can be done to lower the power consumption of the boards, as well as some documentation from Arduino themselves.  For the designs on this site, the Arduinos are being put to low power sleep in-between measurements, and all LED's are removed from the boards. 

Assembled Uno logger system. Pretty clean and easy to make. 

Fully assembled Uno DIY atmospheric CO2 sensor. A - DIY sensor logger. B - CO2 Sensor

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